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Chairman's Message

Chairman's MessageI am proud that our institution is truly emerging as the nurturing ground for leadership. It is becoming synonymous with practical education. The fact that today a familiar face in the higher range of education in the sector. At North East Nursing College Health Science, we believe that “education in its true spirit must unfold the inherent by fuelling guest. It must encompass knowledge, skill and values. Toward this, North East Group has replaced conventional one way teaching by experienced learning: discipline is interested by friendly mentoring.

The words nursing and human are in close proximity. Nursing prevails all through where human being exists. Since there is no abrogation for human being: nursing has eternal life. Mentoring in nursing is very essential and we are for it. Nursing is being enlarged due to the advent of modern technologies in medicine and other sciences.

Farsightedness is very essential to take the nursing profession to the front line in the health care delivery system. Higher degree of creativity and innovative concepts from the nursing leaders are essential to visualize new programmes in nursing for new opportunities.

The perspective of nursing education has widely enlarged to suite the society needs. So the scope of nursing education is quite encouraging and meaningful for professional nurses. The sustain success of the North East Group, student reflect the growing commitment of its astute management of faculty eminence, expansion of academic stream and fortifying in connection.

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